Top 5 Knifes for Sign Professionals

In all my years of sign making there has been several tools that I have needed.The most important one is the knife.

A brief history… knifes have been around for the past 2.5 million years. I know thats a long time. So why is the knife so important? Well in our industry the knife is our daily tool.

From cutting open a box, to slicing a sheet of vinyl off a printer and cutting down a banner to the final size. The knife is in all of our lives all day long.

So what is your favorite knife?

Top 5 Knifes that are used daily in sign production. Here is a list of knifes I have used and continue to use today.

1. The XActo Knife

The XActo knife is probably
The most useful tool in the sign industry and here is why.
First is weeding. This tool is very good at getting the piece of vinyl you need weeded off of that backer, or it will give you a knife-up on your fingers! You can easily place this blade and slightly puncture the vinyl and peel up quickly and efficiently.
Second as a puncture tool. There are plenty of “poker” tools out there, but when you get a gnarly bubble you need to carefully attack, the XActo is your friend to the bitter end!
Third utility. So when the blade has become dull and the blade is still half useful it can help you out as a box cutter and a pre mask trimmer.

Even having the ability to replace
Blades quickly and efficiently, this knife us a do-it-all.

If you have a hard time with the standard metal holder there are a variety of holders that will give you the comfort your looking for. As well as high strength blades that will take a lickin’ and keep on going.

2. Olfa Knife
3. Zippy Knife
4. Box Knife
5. Rotary Knife
